

In the Name of Allãh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

“Truly! To Allãh we belong and truly, to Him we shall return” 

(Al-Qur’an, 2:156)


London Muslim Cemetery Trust is a charitable cemetery that will serve the Muslim community in the UK. We are a registered charitable company therefore, non-profit making. 

More details will be available on request and once we have selected the land.

Inshallah the cemetery will be ready for burials in late 2022/2023.


“Surely the men who give sadaqah and the women who give sadaqah and have advanced a good loan to Allah SWT; for them it will be multiplied and for them there is a noble reward.”

(Al Qur’an 57:18)

Land Wanted

We are always on the look for new land that we can purchase and build cemeteries on.

If anyone knows or has land to sell in or around London then please get in touch with us.

Contact Us

Get in touch for more details or if you have any queries. We will respond as soon as we can.

Sadaqah Jariyah is Investing in the Hereafter

© Copyright 2021 | London Muslim Cemetery Trust.
Registered as a charitable company in England, Registration Number 13197877